At the May 2022 general meeting a dispatch rule change regarding the testing of Up Riggers and Ground Riggers was approved by a majority of the members present.
As a result, Ground Rigging and Up Rigging tests have been developed. As of July 2023 there have been three sessions available to take the test. Every effort will be taken to give the tests on a quarterly basis. The ability to give the tests is largely based on the arenas allowing IATSE Local 13 to use their facilities. The dispatch rule will go into effect on September 1st 2023.
Relevant dispatch rules excerpt
The Call Steward shall dispatch to arena rigging calls those workers who have earned a place on the Arena Rigging Lists. To be included on One of the Arena Rigging List, a worker must pass the IATSE Local 13 Arena Up Rigging assessment or the Arena Ground Rigging assessment, respectively. Those workers who have been active riggers with Local 13 since 1 January 2012, AND who have accrued at least 300 days as an arena rigger dispatched by Local 13 will be added to the list by virtue of their work experience. A worker shall be removed from the Arena Rigging Lists if the Local receives a Letter of Concern about said worker signed by any 8 riggers on the Arena Rigging Lists. Any worker who is the subject of a Letter of Concern, will be returned to the Up or Down Arena Rigging List upon successful passing of the applicable assessment. If the Arena Rigging List is not sufficient to fill all calls, the Call Steward may dispatch other workers who have rigging experience through another Local or related industry. After completing a maximum of 5 such days in one year those individuals shall be required to take the relevant Rigging Assessment to be placed on one of the Arena Rigging Lists.
IATSE Local 13
312 Central Ave SE # 398
Minneapolis, MN 55414
Phone: 612-379-7564