The freeIATSE TTF Safety First! online coursesare live! These interactive and engaging courses for individuals are available to all IATSE workers: both active members and those who may not be members but are working under IATSE agreements.
This version of the curriculum was designed to be very user friendly and can be used with or without the narration.
The application process is simple: All people need to do isemail usthe application, and within a few days, an email with a unique password will arrive. Individuals will be able to log into their account created for them by the TTF to start taking courses.
The following twenty courses are now available:
Introduction to Basic Entertainment Safety
Biological Hazards
Chemical Protection
Compressed Gases
Confined Space: Small Space Awareness
Electrical Safety
Elevated Work Platforms and Aerial Lifts
Fall Prevention and Protection
Firearms Safety
Hand and Portable Power Tools
Hazard Communication: Workplace Chemicals
Noise Exposure
Rigging Safety
Scaffold Safety
Welding and Cutting Tools
Hazard Identification and Safety in the Work Environment
COVID-19: Recommended Guidelines for Preventing Exposure in the Workplace
Recommended Sanitation Practices for Make-up and Hair