If you do nothing to self direct your funds to your own choices, this page shows the default asset allocation funds the administrators automatically place your money into based on your expected retirement date.
There are about 25 401K funds (including those below) you can choose from if you care to self direct your money. This page shows all of the age based allocation funds below as well as linking to the purely Self Directed Investment Funds page. You can click on any fund to see the Google page for it. Or click it in the ticker above to see the Macroaxis page for the fund.
Click Empower Retirement to go directly to your account.
From Empower Retirement:
Please consider an investment option’s objectives, risks, fees and expenses carefully before investing. Certain transfer and/or frequent trading restrictions may be applicable to your plan’s investment options. This and other information about the investment option can be found in the applicable prospectuses or summary prospectuses, if any, the attached fact sheets and/or other attached information for the investment options listed, the participant website at https://empower-retirement.com/, or by contacting our participant service center at 1-800-854-0647. Please review this information carefully before investing.
Please call the Empower Retirement Plan Information Line at 800-854-0647 or log into your account online via https://empower-retirement.com/ to make any investment changes.
Please contact Scott Swenson and Jacob Creydt for general retirement planning questions and education on the investment lineup.