Created by vote of the body, the DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) Committee is a place to address injustice, problems and possibilities. Please join the DEI Committee, all workers welcome (click to receive notice emails).
- Share Your Wisdom
- Raise Issues
- Help With Active Projects
- Lead Your Own Project
- Help Someone Through Duress
- Help Others Learn and Grow Professionally
Meetings are Round Robin, meaning everyone takes a turn speaking, no one speaks twice until everyone else has in turn. It’s surprising how often someone else speaks about your concerns, surprising too, how good it feels to be really heard.
Next IATSE 13 DEI Committee Meeting
January 15, 2024 (Monday)
5:30pm – 7 p.m.
IATSE Local 13 Office's Building in Room 377 (and Zoom)
312 Central Ave. SE
Minneapolis, MN
When the Zoom information is made available it will be listed here.
In Solidarity, for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice.
Jeff Borowiak, Carrie Monroe Co-Chairs
For questions, suggestions, etc. please contact